Tuesday 24 September 2013

E-liquid ingredients & health

Hey all

Recently I encountered a lot of video's and articles talking about the supposedly negative content in e-liquids and to me it looks like a large amount of bullsh*t.
A lot of people (mostly US) claim the liquids in E-cigarettes contain a lot of toxic substances, although they never show any numbers or any proof to make the claim believable.
I've done my own research and I'll provide my own conclusion underneath.

Now as you probably know already, there are a number of different E-cigarettes on the market.
The brands that provide ready-to-use cartridges for E-cigarettes usually provide very little info on the liquid and it's contents, so for those I cannot say for certain whether they have toxin in them or not.
For the Tankomizers though it is know the ready-for-use bottles of liquid contain a mixture of the following:
- Propylene Glycol
- Vegetable Glycerin
- Flavoring
- distilled water *
- nicotine *

(* not always present)

I could start explaining every substance in detail, but instead i'll just give you the toxicity levels with a general conclusion.

- Propylene Glycol:        LD50 18500 mg/kg
- Vegetable Glycerin:     LD50 4000 mg/kg
- Flavoring                    depends on the substance, normally non-toxic food additives
- distilled water             consuming large amounts of distilled water will result in water intoxication (90 ml/kg)
- nicotine                       LD50 3 mg/kg

LD50 means the lethal dose on 50% of the test cases (usually rats or rabbits).

Knowing this, we can calculate the lethal doses for the average person, weighing 80 kg (176 lbs):

- Propylene Glycol     1.48 kg
- Vegetable Glycerin   0.32 kg
- nicotine                    240 mg, although health department says the average non-smoker is at lethal risk
                                  starting from 46-60 mg. Non-smokers build up a natural resistance to this toxin.

If we put all this knowledge together, we can conclude that in no way, vaping would be more toxic than regular cigarettes.
Especially if you are trying to quit smoking, and decrease your nicotine amount overtime, I can't see any reason why people are so obsessed with trying to prove it's unhealthy.
Vaping is no more lethal than drinking coffee or alcohol, much less lethal than soft drinks if you vape without nicotine.

A few tips: Invest in a decent vaper, as the cheaper ones (especially the pre-made cartridges you buy in the 24/7 store) often aren't mixed well, which will result in nicotine spikes when vaping, and this is probably the highest danger of e-cigarettes.

I hope this info helps ridding the world of paranoid skeptics who can't accept something new, because it's new and that you now posses the knowledge you need to explain people about vaping.

Happy vaping!

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