Friday 13 September 2013

First vape

Hey everyone

I thought i might start a blog about the so called 'vaping'.
I'm quite new to the subject myself so here everyone can follow my experience from the start.

Let's start with explaining what 'vaping' is.

Vaping is the term used when people talk about 'smoking' electric cigarettes.
This because electric cigarettes don't produce smoke, like regular cigarettes, but vaporize a liquid to give the feeling of smoking, hence it's called 'vaping'.

In this first post I will tell you how I started vaping and how it escalated. In a later posts I'll be talking about how an electronic cigarette works, what the differences are and about the flavors and nicotine content.

My first encounter was an electronic cigarette that didn't contain nicotine and didn't need any kind of refill, for all it did was use the hydrogen in the air to convert it to some kind of vapor. I liked it mostly because it would fit my habit, without encouraging a nicotine addiction, but in the end i never used it seriously.

Years passed, I started working and to my horror I noticed I started smoking more and more, just to kill time. I felt my physical fitness dropping and started coughing more often than i used to after a cigarette, so i decided something had to be done and i needed to at least cut back on the 'cancersticks', so i bought myself a cheap electronic cigarette at a local night shop.
The product i bought was an older generation electronic cigarette that uses pre-made disposables cartridges that contain the liquid. it cost me 15€ for the whole package containing the device (that looked like a slightly bigger than average cigarette), a USB connector, a USB wall plug, a USB car-charger and 10 cartridges with a normal amount of nicotine.
This package got me going for about 2 weeks and made me cut back to 5-7 cigarettes a day (about half of the usual i smoked in that time).
I used it mainly on occasions when i used to smoke, but didn't fully enjoy the cigarette, so I wouldn't get the feeling I cut back.

During those 2 weeks I started researching on the subject and i noticed there are a some different brands and 2 major differences in E-cigarette types, which I'll be explaining in a later post.

In the end I felt the cheap E-cigarette from the night shop didn't fully satisfy my needs so i bought a more expensive one online.
The new one i bought used a reusable tank (+- 2 ml) that can be filled with any E-liquid (special liquid for electronic cigarettes, once again I'll get more in detail on that subject in a later post) or mixture of liquids that you find enjoyable.

After about 3 weeks I almost completely quit smoking and now mainly use my E-cigarette with a mixture of 4/5 cherry-flavored liquid (0% nicotine) and 1/5 tobacco flavored liquid (2.4mg/ml).

I hope this testimony will get other smokers to try and stop smoking and start vaping.

More posts comming soon ;)

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