Thursday, 14 November 2013

Throat Hit without nicotine: FLASH

Hey all

So like an hour ago I woke up (I work at night, hence) and my roommate already checked the mail.
There was a package for me I have been waiting for.
A brand new clearomizer  and a bottle of FLASh-liquid.

The liquid was what I was waiting for, mainly. I've found out that, now that i don't have to go outside anymore to smoke, I vape a lot more than I used to smoke cigarettes. This also upped the nicotine consumption on a daily base, some times I even got kind of dizzy when I would draw in too much in a short period of time.
So when looking for something to give me the satisfaction of nicotine, without the addictive side effects, I stumbled upon the following: FLASH-liquid!

FLASH liquid is an additive for your E-juice. What is does, basically, is providing you with the 'throat hit', as vapers say, without the need of any nicotine.
Some people will mix nicotine and FLASH to provide the same throat hit while gradually lowering the nicotine content.

I decided to give it a try and as I'm out of nicotine base for my DIY liquids, I'm going cold turkey on it.
The instructions told me to use 4 drops on 1 ml, so I made a 9 ml coconut-caramel mix, let is stay for a day and now added the FLASH.
I have to tell you, it feels GREAT!
I get the same throat hit I would get from like 18-20 mg of nicotine, without any nicotine at all.

I'm really pleased with this. I hope it will last me trough the night, as I do not know what the long term side effects may be. Will i really start craving the nicotine again? Will it keep me satisfied?
I don't know yet, but I'll let you know when I return tomorrow morning.

Have a good night everyone and as always,

Happy vaping!

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