Thursday 21 November 2013

Flash Liquid: Update

Hey all

So a while ago I made a post about Flash E-liquid.
This Liquid is supposed to give throat hit.
My first impression of the product was nice but after a while it seemed to do close to nothing to my throat. All I feel these days is a mild tingling on my tongue, even with a double dose.

So I tried vaping it pure and it sill feels kind of blah...
I think my previous cry of victory was premature and maybe I need to take a closer look in the matter.
If anyone there has a good idea or knows more about it, I would love to hear from you.

Happy vaping!

Thursday 14 November 2013

Throat Hit without nicotine: FLASH

Hey all

So like an hour ago I woke up (I work at night, hence) and my roommate already checked the mail.
There was a package for me I have been waiting for.
A brand new clearomizer  and a bottle of FLASh-liquid.

The liquid was what I was waiting for, mainly. I've found out that, now that i don't have to go outside anymore to smoke, I vape a lot more than I used to smoke cigarettes. This also upped the nicotine consumption on a daily base, some times I even got kind of dizzy when I would draw in too much in a short period of time.
So when looking for something to give me the satisfaction of nicotine, without the addictive side effects, I stumbled upon the following: FLASH-liquid!

FLASH liquid is an additive for your E-juice. What is does, basically, is providing you with the 'throat hit', as vapers say, without the need of any nicotine.
Some people will mix nicotine and FLASH to provide the same throat hit while gradually lowering the nicotine content.

I decided to give it a try and as I'm out of nicotine base for my DIY liquids, I'm going cold turkey on it.
The instructions told me to use 4 drops on 1 ml, so I made a 9 ml coconut-caramel mix, let is stay for a day and now added the FLASH.
I have to tell you, it feels GREAT!
I get the same throat hit I would get from like 18-20 mg of nicotine, without any nicotine at all.

I'm really pleased with this. I hope it will last me trough the night, as I do not know what the long term side effects may be. Will i really start craving the nicotine again? Will it keep me satisfied?
I don't know yet, but I'll let you know when I return tomorrow morning.

Have a good night everyone and as always,

Happy vaping!

Wednesday 13 November 2013

VV Mod L-Rider Transformer (Review)

Hey all!

So in my previous post I announced I ordered a new vaping device, and yes I'd rather call it a device than just a battery, because it does so much more than your regular Ego battery.

Let's start with a picture:

When I saw the pictures at first, it made me think about a light saber from Star Wars and it is just a little less advanced in technology xD

The Transformer has a number of functions, next to powering your carto/clearo:
* Adjustable Voltage for the best temperature for your liquid and container (cartomizer/clearomizer)
* Built in resistance meter for your container
* Battery check
* Airflow control
* Adjustable to fit a number of different batteries

Now what I think about the product after using it for 24 hours.

Adjustable voltage might not seem to be really important, but the fact is the regular batteries like Ego's and others alike, have fluctuating Voltages. Usually you will barely notice, but some times you will get a sudden flash of burnt taste.
By controlling the voltage more precisely, together with the resistance meter, you cancel out the burning, and it gives you more control about the warmth and the flavor of your vape. For me that's a great deal, because my juices really taste better. it's all about finding that sweet spot that works for you the best.

The built-in resistance meter is really useful on the go or when you do not have a resistance meter at home.
Just these last 24 hours I have have forgotten the resistance values for my clearo's, so the resistance meter was a good help.

Now for those who are afraid of going trough many coils before you find the right voltage, here is a handy table:

The battery check is also useful to check if your battery is still able to supply the voltage you need. When you press the mechanic switch on the side 5 times in a short time span, it displays the voltage your battery is able to supply. This way you can easy track out why your vape isn't as satisfying as it used to be 5 minutes ago, for example.

Airflow control, I just adore this specific function and I play with it all the time.
Depending on my mood and the flavor i use i like either a really tight (mildly chocking) pull from my e-cig or a more airy one. The ring at the top is really easy to adjust with your thumb while vaping, to get that sweet spot you desire.
I used to do this already by screwing my clearo tighter or less tight onto my Ego, but this is just a world of difference, without getting less contact with the battery or accidentally screwing your entire container off.

It is also a telescoping mod (hence the name Transformer).
This basicly means the bottom cylinder can be adjusted into place so it can fit a number of batteries (not your standard AA's though xD).
This means you can also adjust the size of the entire thing (it is quite big) to fit your hand the ebst way you want.
I personally prefer larger bateries, I don't know if they last longer, but they do give me a better and more comfortable grip for my huge hands.

To know what I payed for my full kit and to see what was in it, I advise you to read my older post.

Happy vaping! (I know I will)

Thursday 7 November 2013

new battery

Hey all!!
It's been a while.

So a few days ago i had a really shitty day and on top of everything, I lost my case with battery and 3 clearomizers.
Luckily for me I still had a battery and clearomizer at home, so I can keep on vaping.
But, since i lost one of my batteries and 3 clearomizers, I felt I had to buy new ones.

While shopping online, this caught my eye. The L-rider Transformer.

It's a little expensive. It costs 80€ for the full package containing the device, 2 rechargeable batteries, 2 clearo's, a battery charger, a zipper case and a user manual.

This device is an e-cig battery with adjustable voltage and airflow. It is a very nice device to get the best out of your vaping experience.

I have yet to personally test this device, but I have kind of high hopes for this one.

I could have chosen the 40€ Ego model with adjustable voltage, but this one just seemed to give a lot more and be very sturdy.
I have had some troubles with older Ego batteries falling apart, so I'd rather spend more money on a product of which I'm told it works great.

I'll keep you posted on the progress, Happy vaping!!!

Friday 4 October 2013

DIY E-liquid: Throat Hit

Hello vapers

I know it's been a while since i made a new post, but I've been busy moving into my new apartment :p

Anyway, I bought a bunch of supplies to start mixing my own E-liquids.
I've been trying to get a decent throat hit, with less nicotine and I've read the amount of propylene glycol in the mixture would make a great deal in the throat hit.
This morning I decided to see how true this was, so I filled my clearomizer with 100% pure PG, no flavoring, no nicotine, only PG.
Surprisingly this gave me little to no throat hit and a very low-density vape.

So in the end i'm back to nicotine.

I also think I'm PG-sensitive (PG is a known alergen), so the next experiment will be pure Vegetable Glycerin, diluted with vodka. I was told this gives a nice thik vape with a mild troath hit.

I'll keep you posted!

Happy vaping

Tuesday 24 September 2013

vaping update 2

A second post today, just to keep people posted.

Tomorrow I will be 2 weeks cigarette-free, so yay me!

Also I would like to have you know I ordered all the supplies I need to start mixing my own E-juice, this way i'll be able to enjoy vaping even more and I can finally experience the effect of every single component.

I'll provide recipes, reviews and other info about different flavors and how to mix your own E-juice.

See you soon and happy vaping!

E-liquid ingredients & health

Hey all

Recently I encountered a lot of video's and articles talking about the supposedly negative content in e-liquids and to me it looks like a large amount of bullsh*t.
A lot of people (mostly US) claim the liquids in E-cigarettes contain a lot of toxic substances, although they never show any numbers or any proof to make the claim believable.
I've done my own research and I'll provide my own conclusion underneath.

Now as you probably know already, there are a number of different E-cigarettes on the market.
The brands that provide ready-to-use cartridges for E-cigarettes usually provide very little info on the liquid and it's contents, so for those I cannot say for certain whether they have toxin in them or not.
For the Tankomizers though it is know the ready-for-use bottles of liquid contain a mixture of the following:
- Propylene Glycol
- Vegetable Glycerin
- Flavoring
- distilled water *
- nicotine *

(* not always present)

I could start explaining every substance in detail, but instead i'll just give you the toxicity levels with a general conclusion.

- Propylene Glycol:        LD50 18500 mg/kg
- Vegetable Glycerin:     LD50 4000 mg/kg
- Flavoring                    depends on the substance, normally non-toxic food additives
- distilled water             consuming large amounts of distilled water will result in water intoxication (90 ml/kg)
- nicotine                       LD50 3 mg/kg

LD50 means the lethal dose on 50% of the test cases (usually rats or rabbits).

Knowing this, we can calculate the lethal doses for the average person, weighing 80 kg (176 lbs):

- Propylene Glycol     1.48 kg
- Vegetable Glycerin   0.32 kg
- nicotine                    240 mg, although health department says the average non-smoker is at lethal risk
                                  starting from 46-60 mg. Non-smokers build up a natural resistance to this toxin.

If we put all this knowledge together, we can conclude that in no way, vaping would be more toxic than regular cigarettes.
Especially if you are trying to quit smoking, and decrease your nicotine amount overtime, I can't see any reason why people are so obsessed with trying to prove it's unhealthy.
Vaping is no more lethal than drinking coffee or alcohol, much less lethal than soft drinks if you vape without nicotine.

A few tips: Invest in a decent vaper, as the cheaper ones (especially the pre-made cartridges you buy in the 24/7 store) often aren't mixed well, which will result in nicotine spikes when vaping, and this is probably the highest danger of e-cigarettes.

I hope this info helps ridding the world of paranoid skeptics who can't accept something new, because it's new and that you now posses the knowledge you need to explain people about vaping.

Happy vaping!

Friday 13 September 2013


Hey all

For anyone following my blog, I just wanted to tell you I succeeded in working all night without cigarettes, just my cherry-flavored E-cigarette.

If I can keep this up, I'll be done smoking regular cigarettes soon, with only my E-cigarette.
I'm cutting back the nicotine content daily, so one day i'll be free from nicotine as well so I can keep the nicotine for special occasions to enjoy it even more.

It is possible if you want to, just find the way that suits you best ;)

E-cigarettes: how does it work and what kinds are there?

Hello again

In my previous post I talked about how started vaping.
This time i would like to talk about the different kinds of E-cigarettes and how they work.

In general, all E-cigarettes work the same and consist of three major parts.
- A cartridge or tank containing the liquid to be vaporized
- something called an atomizer, this part will heat up the liquid to vaporize it
- a battery supplying power to the atomizer

Now we can imagine how it works. The battery powers the atomizer to heat up the liquid to a vapor state, so it can be inhaled.

With that in mind we can start talking about different kinds of E-cigarettes.
Once again there are 3 major groups.

- disposables:
these are ready-to-use e-cigarettes that can not be reused or refilled.
Battery dead or cartridge empty -> waste bin
These are great to have a first try at vaping as they are cheap. If this product somewhat appeals to you, it might be interesting to try a reusable one, because from here on it only gets better.
Disposables come in tobacco and menthol flavor and cost about 5-6€ each. one of these is an equivalent to a big packet of cigarettes.

- cartridge e-cigarettes:
Simple chargeable battery and disposable cartridges. Flavors and nicotine content are usually limited, depending on the brand.

These are a great way to try out vaping on longer term. For me it helped getting started but i wanted more out of the experience, which brings me to the last kind of E-cigarette (the last one i know).

- Tankomizers:
This kind of E-cigarette has a tank and atomizer combined. It does not use disposable cartridges, simply fill up the reservoir with E-liquid (or E-juice) and it will probably last you the entire day, if not longer.
Starter kits usually contain two batteries, two tankomizers, a USB-adapter, a USB wall plug, a USB car adapter, a bottle of E-liquid and a nice case to put it all in and take it with you. most of these have some way of letting you see into the tank to check the amount of liquid inside, so you are always prepared and you know exactly how much you vaped.
The best thing about these is the amount of flavors available and the fact that you can mix and blend different liquids to make your perfect taste and even decide the amount of nicotine. I'll be talking about the liquids in detail in a later post, but I will tell you so far i have found over 100 different tastes on a single website.

I hope once again you enjoyed reading this and I can help others to give up smoking.

Hope to see you next time ;)

First vape

Hey everyone

I thought i might start a blog about the so called 'vaping'.
I'm quite new to the subject myself so here everyone can follow my experience from the start.

Let's start with explaining what 'vaping' is.

Vaping is the term used when people talk about 'smoking' electric cigarettes.
This because electric cigarettes don't produce smoke, like regular cigarettes, but vaporize a liquid to give the feeling of smoking, hence it's called 'vaping'.

In this first post I will tell you how I started vaping and how it escalated. In a later posts I'll be talking about how an electronic cigarette works, what the differences are and about the flavors and nicotine content.

My first encounter was an electronic cigarette that didn't contain nicotine and didn't need any kind of refill, for all it did was use the hydrogen in the air to convert it to some kind of vapor. I liked it mostly because it would fit my habit, without encouraging a nicotine addiction, but in the end i never used it seriously.

Years passed, I started working and to my horror I noticed I started smoking more and more, just to kill time. I felt my physical fitness dropping and started coughing more often than i used to after a cigarette, so i decided something had to be done and i needed to at least cut back on the 'cancersticks', so i bought myself a cheap electronic cigarette at a local night shop.
The product i bought was an older generation electronic cigarette that uses pre-made disposables cartridges that contain the liquid. it cost me 15€ for the whole package containing the device (that looked like a slightly bigger than average cigarette), a USB connector, a USB wall plug, a USB car-charger and 10 cartridges with a normal amount of nicotine.
This package got me going for about 2 weeks and made me cut back to 5-7 cigarettes a day (about half of the usual i smoked in that time).
I used it mainly on occasions when i used to smoke, but didn't fully enjoy the cigarette, so I wouldn't get the feeling I cut back.

During those 2 weeks I started researching on the subject and i noticed there are a some different brands and 2 major differences in E-cigarette types, which I'll be explaining in a later post.

In the end I felt the cheap E-cigarette from the night shop didn't fully satisfy my needs so i bought a more expensive one online.
The new one i bought used a reusable tank (+- 2 ml) that can be filled with any E-liquid (special liquid for electronic cigarettes, once again I'll get more in detail on that subject in a later post) or mixture of liquids that you find enjoyable.

After about 3 weeks I almost completely quit smoking and now mainly use my E-cigarette with a mixture of 4/5 cherry-flavored liquid (0% nicotine) and 1/5 tobacco flavored liquid (2.4mg/ml).

I hope this testimony will get other smokers to try and stop smoking and start vaping.

More posts comming soon ;)